Friday Foto
Last Sunday when Ava and her Momma were over I made scotcharoos and of course I had to let her have a little taste. So first I gave her a small taste of the rice krispies mixed with the peanut butter and stuff. After I gave it to her Ashley said "I hope she isn't allergic to peanuts". Yep I was glad that she wasn't. Well then when I melted the butterscotch and chocolate chips I just couldn't NOT let her try some. Yep my Ava girl loved her some chocolate!!! She is such a sweet and precious treat in our lives. We love it when she comes over anytime. And her Momma gets over it pretty quickly when Grandma lets her have some "stuff" she needs to experience. Everyone have a great Friday and weekend. We have basketball Friday night at NU and Saturday at Wapsie against Union. GO WAPSIE! Otherwise I do plan on once again trying to get some scrapbooking going. I am SO FAR BEHIND!!! Doing my running tomorrow afternoon so I don't have to leave my house this weekend if we do get the bad weather. Yes I am a homebody! Have a good one all.