
Showing posts from December, 2008

Happy New Year

So 2008 is almost gone-THANK F'ING GOD! Hopefully 2009 will be a much better year for all. I don't really do resolutions but I do plan on getting my ass going on working out and walking on my treadmill after the New Year's long weekend. I have a Mother of the groom dress (yes we have a wedding August 1, 2009!) to be looking for in the next few months, and the 25+ pounds I've put on in the last year and a half of not smoking just aren't going to cut it! So, I hope all of our family and friends have a Very Happy New Year and may 2009 be a prosperous, happy, healthy year for you and your families! Oh, and just realized after my last post that this one is post number 301 for me this year. WOW! Never thought when I started doing this (thanks to Sharon!) that I would enjoy it and embarrassing my kids so much! TO NEXT YEAR!!!!! Cheers!

Taylor's Scrapbook

  So now that Christmas is over I can put the pictures of the scrapbook I did for Taylor on the blog. I just had gotten more pictures developed and in the mail last Monday so did about 6 pages right before Christmas Eve. I had a lot of fun doing it for her and I think she really liked it. Now I can just make pages for her to add to it when I get pictures of her throughout the year. Now if I can just keep up with the boys books all the time now that I'm back in the scrapbooking mood! I did do 5 more pages in Ty's last night. Maybe I can stick with it!

Rock Band 2

  So this was the big hit of our Christmas Eve for the kids. And I have to admit they had to tell me at 1:30 AM Christmas morning that "no Mom, you can't sing another one tonight!" It is a blast and I think they will get much fun out of it! Here are the three "stars" doing a set.

Christmas Eve

  Here are some pictures from Christmas Eve at the Odneal house. The kids all were very happy with their presents. For that I am very happy. Bruce didn't have as much to open as I bought him new coveralls and he already used them for deer hunting. He didn't mind watching the kids though. And they did a GREAT job on my list. Everyone needs new glasses and jeans, right?

Merry After Christmas To Me

Yep, Kyle bought himself a 32" flat screen lcd TV this weekend, so I just had to get me a new TV for my kitchen. And here it is. I think my old little 13" is like 9 years old or so and we only paid $70 for it. I love the new 19" flat screen. Takes up much less space on my countertop. Only problem is that everyone likes to hang out in "my" kitchen way too much now!

Christmas Eve

Yep, about time to leave work and head home to enjoy food and presents with the kids. Yes, some of us had to work today! I picked up the poinsetta at Wal-Mart last night for $5. Isn't it beautiful? And I had to make a cake for some reason even though we still have tons of baked goodies left. Oh well. Bruce is doing chicken wings and drummies buried in hot sauce. I'm sure we will all have a great time and I hope everyone enjoys their gifts. Everyone have a very merry Christmas Eve with your families and friends. And Friday I get to take down the tree!!!!

Merry Christmas

May everyone have a very merry Christmas and Happy New Year!

Latest Couch Picture

Haven't posted one of these for awhile. This was taken early last week. I say that because I NEVER let the newspaper sit around more than a day before I pitch it! I swear this man could sleep anywhere, anytime!

Iowa Winter

Yep you've got to love living in Iowa. Last Thursday night we had around 10 inches of snow give or take depending who you listen to. So Bruce took my truck to work Friday and I got the day off. Yippee! Kyle & Tyler cleared our whole driveway and sidewalks with the tractor, snow blower, and shovels. They were at it for almost 3 hours but did a great job. They also did our neighbors. Aren't they nice boys? Bet Santa will be good to them!

Bruce's Friendship Bread

Yes the title of this is correct. Last week "baker Bruce" (no not really ever before!) was given some friendship bread at work to take home since he had tried some of it and loved it. So he brought it home and asked me if I wanted it. I told him absolutely not-I was not going to deal with it. So he decided he'd do the bread. And last night after we got home it was ready to bake. It smelled wonderful while it was baking. The boys even came downstairs to see if it was done that is how good it smelled! They actually left their PS3 to check on it! Oh, and it tasted absolutely wonderful. I have to admit he did a great job for the first time EVER I think that I have seen him bake something. Oh, and he took the four bags from splitting it to work to pass around to whoever wanted them. And we didn't keep one for ourselves so maybe he really didn't enjoy doing it! Or maybe it was just all the harrassment he got from all of us for actually spending time in the kitchen BAK...

Deer Jerky

We brought home a dehydrater from Mom & Dad O. on Sunday. Bruce made his first deer jerky in it on Monday night with a deer roast he saved. It was very tasty and he had fun doing it I think. Tyler definitely loved it because when we got home from gettting groceries last night the bag was empty. Glad I got to try a piece! I think a monster has been created though because at the store we had to pick up liquid smoke and a few more spices to try on it next time! Oh, and after the fact Bruce told me that the dehydrater and the box are different brands. Oh well!

Iowa Winter

  Yep had quite a bit more of this crap yesterday and sounds like we could get hammered again starting tomorrow afternoon and evening. Yippee! Just hope we don't get the freezing rain and sleet in the forecast. Is winter over yet??????

Sweet Nora & Ashley

  Here is a picture of Nora sitting with Ashley at our Christmas Saturday. Isn't she just the sweetest little thing?

Odneal Christmas

We had Christmas at our house Saturday and here are some pictures from the day. It was a really good time and we all ate lots and lots of good food. And of course we had some "beverages" also. My great niece and nephew also came with Sharon & Bart. It was nice to see Nathan and Nora and I even put Nora to sleep on my shoulder one time. Love holding those little ones. But no, it doesn't make me want another one!


I helped Kyle work on his pinata for Spanish last night. It is a sea turtle and going to be really neat I think when it is done. We cut squares of tissue paper and twisted them around a pencil and glued them down. It was kind of fun actually. I don't do "craft" stuff very often besides scrapbooking. I'll post a picture of the finished pinata when him and Taylor get it done.


I want to be back on the "Nuk N Futz" (our houseboat for anyone that stumbled upon this blog by accident) already and it is only December 12th. I think it is going to be a very long winter. Looking forward to this weekend. We have the Odneal family Christmas at our house tomorrow. We always have a good time. And while the guys are cutting up the deer tonight in our shop, Helen (sister in law) is going to hang out with me in the house. And you know that means there will be vodka involved. I'd better get all my food and chores done early before she gets there or we won't be eating tomorrow, and that would be bad. No, that would suck! Have a great weekend to anyone that reads this!

Family Get Together

So my picture taking Bro Dave was supposed to email me the picture of the whole group/family and I never received it, so I am posting some pictures that I took. On the long Thanksgiving weekend, Sunday, November 30th, we all got together at the OP in Evansdale to celebrate Aunt Kathy & Uncle Gary's 40th anniversary. They were shocked and had no idea they were doing anything except going to lunch with the kids. They were very happily surprised I think. It was nice seeing everyone and of course the "claw" machine was the big attraction. Especially to the "boys"-right Rick & Bruce?? Wonder just how much you two stuck in that thing. They did give away most of the stuffed animals to some girls sitting in a booth. I can't imagine why noone wanted to take them all home. Anyways it was a nice get together and nice to see everyone. We don't do that enough, especially my Mom's side of the family. Awesome food, too if I might add!

Wordless Wednesday


Basketball Game Friday

So I went to the girls basketball game with Missy on Friday night. It was an exciting game and I had a good time watching Taylor and Eryca play. Taylor didn't get many shots off as they had scouted her earlier in the week and kept her from being able to shoot. It was an exciting game but we came out the winners. Yeah. Taylor is #15 and Eryca is #41. Good job Warrior ladies! Can click on to enlarge.

Holiday Baking

Well we baked and baked and baked Saturday for a total of about 12 hours from start to finish. Eryca and Ashley were recruited to help part of the time with the fun. Missy and I have so many good treats it is crazy. We had fun though and yes, she wrote on my sweatshirt with her dirty "bon bon" chocolate hands. I spray & washed it and you can still see the chocolate. Guess it might be an old painting sweatshirt or something now!

The Deer Hunters

The guys got back last night from deer hunting. They only shot 3 deer out of their group. Kyle & Bruce didn't get one. Bruce went with Louie this morning around Washburn to try and fill some more tags. Kyle chose to go to school today instead of hunting some more. Had a scholarship application that needs to get in so I think he made a good choice! Glad to have them back home safe and sound.

Happy Weekend

Here are Gizmo & Gadget in the kitchen waiting for all that sugar and stuff to drop on the floor when Missy & I are baking our holiday goodies tomorrow. I plan on having an enjoyable weekend. Going to watch Taylor & Eryca play basketball tonight. Since Kyle won't be there I have to wear his "lucky" sweatshirt for Taylor. Hope it works and she makes a ton of baskets. Have a great weekend!

Those Aren't Presents!

If Gadget would have looked at the camera this picture would be much better-oh well. She doesn't listen very good. Yep, no presents under our tree yet so the cats like hanging out underneath and messing with the ornaments and beads. They are so naughty. What do you expect though with names like Gizmo & Gadget? Oh, and have you seen the Target commercial with the reindeer named Gizmo & Gadget on the front of them? I want some kickback from that! They stole our names!!!!!

Deer Hunting Weekend

Here is all of Kyle & Bruce's crap to take deer hunting this weekend spread out in my kitchen. They leave tonight and come home sometime Sunday. Hopefully they each get a great big buck. Not that I want another one on my wall, but they could go up in the office I guess. No more in the living room! I plan on spending all day tomorrow doing holiday baking. Yum, yum. They hunt, I bake. I already recruited Ty to decorate some sugar cookies for me since I hate doing that. I'll share many "bake day" pictures I'm sure.

Like Father, Like Son

Last night at our house I caught both Ty & Bruce sleeping in the living room. And of course there was a cat involved!