Roof Repair

The shop/carport roof both leak in spots when it rains really heavy so Bruce, Kevin & Kyle climbed up there yesterday to check things out. They patched the flat carport roof (at least they think they did-we will find out the first rain!), and checked out the other to see what will need to be done to re-roof it with steel. Always a project that needs done at our house. Hopefully if it rains Friday for Kyle's graduation party the patch job worked!
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TRICH said…
Rain, Rain go away....

See ya Friday night, are you still coming to the river on Saturday?
Sorry we didn't make it to the party. We wanted to go but we had to meet with our attorney about our house. We also met with a few banks and got very good news. I think that we are going to go ahead with the sale of our home and build a new one. Crazy!! I hope you guys had a great day!
Jad Smith said…
A proper quality made roof is always a desired thing for the building owner especially in Roof Cleaning Kansas City

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