Weekend Plans

I splurged once again (yep for $3.99 a bouquet definitely worth it!) and bought myself an Aldi's flower bouquet for my countertop. It has the coolest flowers. My photo doesn't do it justice because I am not a photographer, but I play one for fun! Kyle came home Friday afternoon to game it up with Tyler, so that was my happy ending to my day. I was coming home from town and getting groceries when I saw a glimpse of Bruce's truck and trailer on the roundabout in my rearview mirror so I called him. He didn't see me but he told me Kyle brought the Exploder home to us. Woo hoo! Now we just need to find someone that is interested in a 97 Exploder with deer dents in the door and a going out transmission. Shouldn't be a problem, right? It has been a good vehicle for Kyle for 5 years so we cannot talk too bad about it. He loves his new Galant and I was excited today to see that insurance on that is only 60 some dollars more every 6 months than the liability. How can that be? Something is wrong in this world when we have to pay $250 every 6 for liability on a 97 and $312 every 6 on a 2009 Mitsubishi for full coverage. We all have excellent driving records and no tickets on record so how can that be? Kyle was thrilled because he will now be helping pay some of his insurance premiums, but seriously? I still cannot believe that insurance companies can do that to people. I think I am in the wrong business and profession. No wonder our insurance man always seems to like us and not mind when we call with our many changes in cell phones, electronic stuff, vehicles, etc. throughout the year. He has to be making a small fortune in my opinion! I think we deserve more than a refrigerator magnet every once in a while what do you think?
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