Friday Foto

Okay I didn't know that we were allowed to tell anyone yet until tonight.  Ashley's sister Amanda plastered it on FB so apparently it is okay to spread the word.  Bruce and I are going to be Grandparents!  Cole and Ashley are expecting, and the due date is June 21st which happens to be Tyler's birthday.  We are very excited about the news.  Although it makes us feel old!  But I'm sure with them a few blocks away we will be much more fortunate than the other Grandparents with the time we get to spend with the little "guy".  Yep I'm saying that right now so maybe it will be a little girl.  I called Tyler a girl the whole time that I was pregnant, and his brother Kyle called him "Katie Flower" up until he was born.  So I'm using reversed whatever hoping for a girl.  No, actually as long as they have a healthy, happy bouncing whatever we are very excited.  Cannot wait to be Grandparents and CONGRATULATIONS Ashley and Cole.  And yes, this baby will be spoiled like crazy.  Don't even think that you will be doing anything about it!  You are so screwed on that!  And Cole we always used to tell you that we wished you could have one just like you.  Well, now we totally take that back.  I wouldn't wish that on anyone.  Especially our own son and daughter in law!  But somehow we all survived those years and I believe came out better people for it?????  Anyway, everyone have an excellent weekend.  Sounds like a good one to be outside enjoying it!  Have a great Friday.  
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