My Happy Tuesday

Yep this photo of Gizmo in one of her favorite spots has nothing to do with this post really. I just played with the picture and thought it turned out nice. She always wants to lay in front of my sink on the rug mainly because there is a heat vent there, but also because she just wants to be wherever we are and I am ALWAYS in my kitchen. I always tell her that I'm going to step on her but so far she has been lucky and I haven't. But seriously what a pretty cat.

So the reason my Tuesday will be happy is that I have a date with Kyle and am looking forward to it. Do Moms ever get sick of having a "date" with their college kid that they don't see often enough? Anyway I should want to avoid this one because he needs some groceries, and I offered to take him and get some and also take him out for dinner. Oh and we also need to do some birthday shopping for a special someone while we are out and about. So I am sure that it won't be a cheap outing, but I sure am looking forward to it. Someday after all he won't want anything to do with Mom and groceries. Especially if it is when I am "old" and he is taking me to help me get mine. Won't that be a change? I'm hoping when that happens he will be the one picking up the bill for his "old" Mother! Everyone have a great Tuesday. Hopefully you get to spend part of it with one of your favorite people like I get to! I'm just hoping I get home in time for Glee, Dancing With The Stars, and The Biggest Loser. I guess I'd better get there right after Kyle gets off from work, huh?
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