Laundry Room

My laundry room used to be an old porch off of my kitchen. Last night I threw a load of laundry in like usual and didn't think twice about it. Later when I went to switch out loads, I opened the lid and it was still full of freezing cold water and had not agitated or cycled. So I messed with the dial, and then went to the basement and found a circuit tripped. I thought I had solved the problem. But, no, it just kept trying to agitate and would kick off. So, I tell Bruce that the washing machine is broken and full of clothes. He of course is less than impressed as he had just gotten back from filling his car up out in the freezing cold and now he had to stick his hand in freezing cold wash water! Well, after much swearing, turning the drum, thinking, swearing some more, etc., we both realized that this had happened one other time when it was dangerously cold outdoors. So he took off the front cover and sure enough, the hoses were full of ice and that is why the machine couldn't work right. So, I got out my trusty $5 blowdryer (yes, blowdryer) and we thawed out the hoses. Bruce put it back together, turned up the heat in the laundry room, and all is well at our household. Yes family, you will have clean clothes!
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Sharon Madsen said…
I've never seen your laundry room! I guess I knew you
had one but.... Yeah - my car didn't really want to start
today - and it went a little slow for the 1st mile or so.
This is Ridiculous!

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