Happy Birthday Mom 11/29/36-10/21/99

The Thanksgiving holiday is over, the working out hard to take care of all that I ate has begun, and now thinking of getting ready for Christmas. We have our Odneal family Christmas at our house on December 11th and it will come up fast. So I was sitting at my work desk today after the long four day weekend, and I looked up at my wall calendar as I do every morning to make sure of the date and realized what day this is. November 29th. My Momma's birthday. She would have been 74 today (I'm sure someone will correct me if I am off a year or something) were she still here with us. So I said a prayer and wished my Mom a "happy birthday" and went on with my day but thought of her often and looked at her picture on my desk many times. I hope she got a big piece of birthday cake and some ice cream up in heaven. Because if there truly is that wonderful place she would have definitely deserved to be there and is watching down on all of us. Hopefully with more smiles on her face than frowns! I think we all are doing her proud. At least I know that we are trying and that would make her very happy!
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