Friday Foto

Here is my "redneck" bird feeder. It has been fixed too many times to count. Well not really but seriously how much can one cost? I'm just too cheap. First the squirrels broke the plexiglas on one side so Bruce put a new piece in it for me. This last time the squirrels completely broke a hole out in the middle of the plexiglas and it was almost torn in two. I had asked Bruce a few times over the weekend if he could make me another piece to fix it. Well I only wait patiently for so many days for something to get done, so I took it upon myself to fix it with my duck tape. Does it look really tacky? For sure! But the birds and squirrels are very happy to have it fixed and hanging back on the deck. In the mean time I will keep my eye out for a good price on a new one just like it. You know you can only "fix" bird feeders so many times! Have a great weekend and try to stay warm!
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