Friday Foto

This was Grandbaby Odneal's first present from Grandma Kay and Grandpa Bruce.(Oh my gosh are we really old enough to do this?) We wrapped it up and had Cole open it. The scary part is I think he really liked it. Ashley was with me when I bought it, but let me just say that it is may be the very FIRST thing that I bought for the baby, but it is definitely the start of many. Cannot wait to start picking up diapers and supplies and of course fun stuff and just storing them away for the next five months. We are very excited to say the least at our house. And I'm thinking I will be the luckiest Grandma of this baby since I live only three blocks away and will always be more than happy to babysit. And the best part? They live close enough that when I decide I'm too old to deal with it on any given day I know where they live and can take "her" or "him" back home! Yep we are looking forward to a little one in the house. Not sure what the cats will think but they will just have to get over it! I'm thinking this Odneal baby might be at the river earlier than any. I guess we will just have to see come June! Everyone have a great Friday!
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