Serious Competitors-Or NOT

These are the photos from our awesome road trip weekend that I took at Kevin & Ann's house Saturday night when we were all playing a very serious game of Uno Attack! I'm not sue why everyone was doing the thing with the fingers, but I think it is because apparently Bruce has proven to people more than once that not everyone can move them this way or do whatever with them. Anyway we had a blast eating too much, having plenty of beverages, and a big thanks to Joni for trying to help me get rid of the hiccups many times that night. I don't know how much water I slammed that night but apparently sleep was the one thing that permanently got rid of them. Unless of course I did have them while sleeping and Bruce didn't notice. That could be a possibility but then wouldn't I have woken up still having them? Anyways as usual a great time was had by all and the hostess Ann won the big game. The next morning she even asked me if I wanted to keep the page showing her winning score for my scrapbook. Very funny Ann. Very funny! Always a hoot you are!
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