Deer Hunting
Yep it takes alot of stuff and work to get ready to go deer hunting. But I think Bruce and Kyle had a good time together hunting all weekend. There were four in their group and they filled two tags and that is all that they got. The good news is they didn't leave for the whole weekend and spend money on a hotel room, and really didn't spend anything more than their licenses and some food to bring costs. Actually I picked up the food for them so it kind of was a very cheap weekend of fun for them! I got our tree up and the house half ass decorated for our Odneal Christmas this coming Saturday. I think everyone is happy from the weekend, although I know my "boys" would have liked to have shot a couple of big bucks for the wall. Well, there is already one up on the office wall upstairs and I am pretty sure there wouldn't be room for anymore anyway! I'm just glad that they had fun and everyone made it home safe and sound. There were 6 Iowa shooting injuries that I read about today and I am glad that our guys were all safe!