Friday Fotos

Christmas night in KC we could not find anything open to take everyone for dinner. The hotel suggested Sarpino's for delivery, but we decided to venture out and see if we could find anything open. The one we did find the kitchen was closed so we ended up at the place first considered. Let me just say that the pizza was excellent and Ty ordered 2 lbs. of hot wings and ate every bit of them. Well okay, Dad had one, Kyle had one, Kenny had one, but I think other than that Ty pretty much polished them off by himself. And they didn't even have wet naps, so luckily I seem to carry EVERYTHING you could possibly need in my satchel and I happened to have a couple leftover Red Lobster wet naps. Ty enjoyed the wings, and we all were so pumped for the game Sunday that we really just needed something in our tummies before giving up for the night. Oh yeah, I forgot there is a video of Cole "wrestling" himself in their hotel room on you tube. Apparently they went to bed much later than we did! Have a great weekend!
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