Happy Hump Day

Here is Gizmo at our family Christmas last weekend at our house. She is in the middle of the living room under a pile of wrapping paper, boxes, garbage bags of paper, etc. I think she is very lucky she didn't get thrown away with all of the garbage. But now that I reflect on that thought I took all of the garbage out on Sunday afternoon, so I think her chances of making it out okay were pretty good! She always has to be the center of attention and she did herself proud last weekend. Can you believe Christmas is only 10 days away? I haven't done any shopping yet (well a couple small gifts) and will do it all this coming weekend like I always do. We have another snow storm hitting us in Iowa today (well 80% could mean snow or none, right?) so hoping we don't get too much more. Have a good Wednesday and stay warm! I'm sure Gizzy will find a warm place to watch the snow fall!
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