Friday Foto

Now this is comfy nice for both Ava and Kyle. Her uncle put her right to sleep on his chest when she was hanging out over at our house Tuesday night. And she loved watching Grandma dink (like I always do) in the kitchen and sat so nice in her seat. Cole got mad because apparently they don't sit/set her down too often when she is awake so she doesn't know how to act at home when they do. She is so sweet and growing up so fast. Love her to death and cannot wait to be able to pick her up a few days a week from daycare and spend time bonding with her. She does like Grandma Kay's voice so I think I'm in! Everyone have a great weekend. We have our "boater's sale" at the Lansing Marina this weekend so hopefully we get rid of some good stuff and also find some great bargains. One never knows! And I hope our cookies are a hit since I spent so much time on them. Otherwise we will all gain a few pounds this weekend. Oh well! Have fun!
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