7 On 7 Football

This is the ONLY picture that I got at 7 on 7 this year and it is because my good camera is broken and my little one has issues also. Yep I will be purchasing a new small one to throw in my purse tomorrow so if my SIL Sharon has any thoughts on that for me it would be appreciated. Bruce did drop off my good camera (in my opinion plenty good and big for me) to get fixed but they said it will be a few weeks. And my small one is not behaving lately so hopefully I pick up something that I like. Ty is one of those kids to the lower right. It was fun watching them. Too bad it was usually 115 degrees in the shade on Sundays when they played. But I don't think our Wapsie boys lost. Although the scoring is way confusing to me so that may not be accurate. Anyway I baked 6 dozen cutout sugar cookies tonight for the weekend and lets just say that I am not a big fan anymore of cutout cookies! Way too much work. Round is just fine by me. Everyone have a great Thursday. The weekend is almost here.
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