Friday Fotos

This is a grouping of our campfire last Sunday night at the river. I know anyone that stops by my blog must get tired of all the river pictures, but according to the stats (which I just realized I could even get! DUH!) in June noone hardly came to my little blog, and in summer traffic increases considerably. So apparently people like seeing all of my river pictures or something. Winter is always pretty boring on this site so I think this winter I will start just picking a topic for each blog post and post pictures only when something exciting happens in our little town or neighborhood! Good luck with that to me! The bottom left picture is our good friend Kevin that has made this blog a "FEW" times, but he threw me this time. We at first didn't realize this was a wig attached to a visor. NICE! We just needed to add some "weekend at Bernie's" glasses and he totally looked the part. So once again we are heading to the houseboat and it is the 2nd annual Lansing Marina BBQ and they have a band in the parking lot at night. Their name is Wagg and they are really good. Members of our family are once again competing in the BBQ competition, and will probably win a bunch of categories like last year. Woo hoo! Go SMOKE ON THE WATER crew! And I plan to be their support staff and provide them with bloody mary's, no advice, and whatever else they may need throughout the day. And this year they are even making me my own special labels for the bloody mary's. How awesome is that? I really better concentrate on these and make sure I put the vodka in. I've been know to forget it sometimes. Right Helen? Everyone have a great Friday and weekend! We gotta love our Iowa weather while we can!

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