Fall Flooding 2010

These are just a few pictures of the Mississippi river at Lansing Marina and the start of the flooding. It appeared to be coming up about 1" per hour on Sunday. The normal shoreline rocks in the marina were under water and we literally had to walk the plank to get off the dock and load our stuff up. The city was supposed to cut power to the marina on Monday so we emptied out our entire fridge/freezer and brought it all home. Do you know how much work it is to fit everything from a full size fridge into your side by side at home that is always full also? Well, not much fun but somehow I managed it. Here's hoping that the river doesn't flood as much as early predictions and that all of our houseboats stay safe and unaffected by it. They even cleared out the marina office Sunday so I'm pretty sure there must be quite a bit of water in the parking lot by this time. I guess it just made me get a head start on my closing up weekend duties. Now I don't have to clean the fridge because it is already done. I guess that weekend I can do more "supervising" and "helping" others close up since I did most of my stuff way ahead of time. Have a great Tuesday!
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Sharon Madsen said…
Good thing this waited til after the BBQ! Not much fun to wade tent to tent!

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