Living Room Wrestling

Yep this happens when Kyle is home. Him and Tyler seem to think the living room is their wrestling room. Bruce always yells at them to quit as they might "break" the flat screen TV. Well, when Dad isn't around I deal with this regularly, and of course have to snap pictures. The last picture in the collage is apparently after Bruce came back in and had absolutely NO IDEA that the boys were wrestling! Kyle has decided though that now that Tyler is taller than him, and pretty strong, he can't quite manhandle him like he used to. Ty is over weighted however by Kyle. (Sorry Kyle, but come on-your bro weighs a "little" bit less than you now!) Love that the boys can still mess with each other and have fun together when Kyle is home! If Cole gets involved much we definitely need a bigger living/wrestling room for them to romp around in. Bruce are you ready for that ranch with a finished basement for the boys to wrestle in? These BIG kids need more room and the steps are killing my knees! Anyone want a 100+ year old house that pretty much is totally redone and has lots of room? Just not enough room for adult size children to be wrestling around the living room in. And excuse the remodeling mess in these pics. Oh, and did I mention we have a brand new school being built as I type this? Our community is awesome. House with (not enough room for wrestling) in less than 3 years!!!!!! Great football playing yard however. And yes we are seriously getting out of this great driveway basketball playing/football yarding/field goal kicking yard within the next 3 years. I will personally give you the tour! Happy Hump Day!
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