Our Crazy Home Life-A Message To Our Kids

So Saturday we (I) decided we'd grill deer steak since Kyle was home and I threw some chicken breast in to marinate for Taylor (she doesn't know what she is missing) for supper that night. Well, Cole and Ashley only live a few blocks away from our house and I swear that they just have a "nose" for my cooking. They pulled in the driveway and had thought about going out to eat, but figured Mom would certainly be cooking like usual and stopped by to see what I was having. Well, lets just say they stayed and ate with us and that just had to be followed by some WII bowling! We played late enough that Taylor got to join in and play when she got off of work. I know that the collage of pictures I have did not do our evening justice, but we really did have a good time (click to make larger). And Cole and Ashley didn't go home until almost 3:30 AM Sunday. That is WAY too late for Mom & Dad to stay up socializing. Even with family. And the middle picture of Ty with the Ninja Turtle stocking cap is awesome. Cole is a HUGE fan from way back, and has all of the figures so I think seriously T is going to have to watch out for Cole stealing it from our house! So to end this post I just have to say we all had a great time and I love it when all the kids (and significant others) can be with us on the weekends. But you know what????? Spring is almost here and you will all have to find someone else to grill and/or cook for you on the weekends because.......OUR HOUSEBOAT WILL BE OPENING UP IN THE NEXT MONTH OR SO!!!! I love all you guys but, you are going to have to find something else to do on your weekends very soon! Love, Momma
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