Tyler's "Last" First Day of High School

 So Ty really didn't want me to take a picture of him on his last ever first day of high school, but since we were up and in the kitchen at the same time he obliged.  When I asked him if I should he said, "Should you probably yes.  Am I going to let you?  NO!"  But as you can see he did let me.  I cannot believe this is his senior year and next August he will be heading off to college.  I'm not old enough to have three boys out of the house, right?  I don't feel it.  It will be strange to have an empty nest next August (probably-still don't know Ty's plans for sure) but I think we will do okay.  I have a lot of projects and hobbies that I want to do but just never find the time between work, laundry, cleaning, etc., etc.!  Anyway here is hoping Kyle has a great last year in school (for now for sure) at Allen this year, and that Tyler has an awesome senior year in football, basketball, track, and baseball.  And wherever Ty decides to go to school I know that he will do well and succeed at it very well as Kyle has.  This year will be both very happy and sad for this Mom.  Kyle used to be my get home guy that liked to chat with me in the kitchen, but this last year between working almost full time and going to school full time he was kind of grumpy when he got home.  Understandable.  So now Ty is my guy that always walks in and usually says "Ola Momma. How's it going?"  That always makes me smile.  Yep I will miss them both come next August.  But I will still be very happy every time they come back home to visit.  And Ty your bedroom will stay mostly as it is until you get done with college.  Kyle yours is all mine come August.  Finally that guest bedroom I've been looking forward to redecorating! 
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