Happy Hump Day

Let this happy photo collage of Miss Ava with her tutu make your Wednesday happy face. Her crafty/talented Momma made it for her after checking out the prices on Etsy and other sites. It only cost her about 4 dollars I think to make and online they are asking around $40. I'd say it makes a lot of sense to make your own! Ava is on the move now all the time so when we have her this weekend overnight we will definitely have to be on our toes. I never "baby proofed" our house for our own kids and now I find myself with a list of "Ava Proofing" things to get before the weekend. I guess we feel we need to be more careful for our grandbaby than we did for our own kids. You know what? I probably just need to relax because our own kids survived and we keep a much closer eye on Ava than we EVER did our own kids. Sad to say but very true! Everyone have a happy hump day. My eyes will be buried in numbers and spreadsheets and I am NOT looking forward to it. Oh well at least it only comes around once every year and usually my numbers balance. I'll figure it out. And if I don't I can always count on my office "assistant" to help me figure it out. Not! But she will have to put up with me if I don't so hopefully I figure it out before she comes in at noon. Happy Wednesday everyone!
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TRICH said…
The West High Dance Team for the last 3 years have made tutu's at our house for state dance. There have been some pretty awesome looking ones. I am still finding random glitter downstairs from some of the tulle that one of the girls had. Hancock fabric has a ton of it to choose from cheap! We could have a river craft day and make some this summer...swim suit cover up, maybe for fish days!!!
Sharon Madsen said…
Funny Tracy! I'd like to see your Mom in a tutu - and mine too for that matter......
Good Job Ashley - I made the pink tutu that we used with Ava for 3 month pictures.

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