Friday Foto

By the way this blog is really called "The Ava Blog" according to my smart ass brother in law Louie. But that is okay. This is a picture of her last weekend at 8 months. Can you believe it? I can't. She will be walking before we know it. Grandpa better get the house Ava-ized! No big plans for the weekend. Hopefully getting more done around the house and have a baby shower for Baby Caley on Sunday afternoon. Hopefully will get to spend some time with the Miss Ava if she is feeling up to it this weekend. I'm sure her Momma could use a break since she has been sick for over a week. I hope to hear that she (Ava) is on the mend and feeling much better for the weekend. Everyone have a good one. Our basketball season ended tonight (thank God! just kidding sort of) so a couple of weeks off for Ty and then Track practice starts. Oh and by the way we could have won tonight if any of our free throws would have went in the first half (seriously) and possibly if the shooters on the team hadn't thrown the ball around and eventually to the non shooter and mostly defensive player on the team (Tyler) in OT with three seconds left on the clock. Yep Ty had to shoot but it did not go in. Felt bad for him but not really because all of the players know he is not the one to throw it to for the shot (we had a few shooters on the court still) but apparently no one else was brave enough to attempt it. Great season Ty and the Warriors. And I guess he might go out for his senior year so I think it will be a summer of a lot of shooting hoops. And I was hoping he'd actually maybe get a job and make some money this summer. Guess he will have to shoot hoops when he isn't working! Everyone have a great weekend and Friday.
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