Friday Foto

Well for my SIL Helen I finally picked up my sewing machine tonight. Yes I know......we took the nasty other one back weeks ago. But I had to have Bruce with me to pay for the other one. I'm no dummy you know! So anyway we went tonight and I asked if he was still willing to buy me a sewing machine for my Christmas present. He said "of course I will" so I knew the one at Wally World was about forty dollars cheaper than the idiot one I returned. So for good measure I threw in a pair of fabric scissors since any good ones that I once had have been used as weapons and whatever at our house. So in the long run he got by only about $30 cheaper but I think I will be able to operate this one. If I have trouble this weekend you will be getting a phone call my dear SIL Hildegard. But this one looks like I can handle it. I might even have to whip you up an apron for our opening up weekend at the river. Look out! You know that I have a TON or so of material to choose from for those said aprons. We will be so styling all summer long. Spring please be on your way!!!!!!!
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