Happy Hump Day

Ava got a lot of love this past weekend as she always does and just had to share the fun pictures of her. She was a trooper putting up with her Momma and me baking each day until dark. Hope you have a great Wednesday. I have so much to get done around home just getting ready for the holidays that posts will probably be few and far between from now until the first of the year. My tree isn't even down from the attic although all of my baking is done. Do I do that backwards? Probably but oh well. My hubby still hasn't moved the dining room table and chairs for me so I really have no place to set the tree. Oh and he did deer hunt last Saturday, Sunday, and Monday so maybe he hasn't had time. I can deal with that. Well I woke up at 3 am Monday and couldn't fall back asleep so I think I will end this post. This chick is tired. Everyone have a good week and may you all get your shopping done without hurting anybody. My family is always grateful when I can do that as I am not a very patient person anymore at all. Except when it comes to Ava. Oh yeah. Not as patient as I used to be with babies either. I'm just doomed in that department. Oh well!
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