Friday Foto

This is how Bruce gets me back for all of the photos I take of him sleeping on the couch! Sunday night he ran a friend of ours home from the marina and stopped by a local establishment in Lansing for a few beverages with him. I tried as hard as I could to stay awake and even opened my new BH&G magazine. But he was gone around two hours and there was no way after that long day I could stay awake. I happened to look through my pictures Monday morning and gave him all kinds of crap. Although I don't know why since I would have done the exact same thing. And he was like "what I gave you a pillow"! Yeah he did and put it on top of me because he said he couldn't lift my head to put it under. Seriously? He is a strong guy and I don't care how "out" I was. I don't think he tried very hard! Anyway the weekend is here again and since we didn't come home from the river until Tuesday night I have been stressing and trying to get things done around here. So once again no blogging time! Summer is just too crazy I guess. Everyone have a great weekend. My goal is to not let this happen again and Bruce grab the camera!!!!!
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