Friday Foto That Almost Wasn't

Gizmo got to meet Ava for the first time last night and I'm not sure what she thought of her.  She may have been a little bit jealous.  She did however crawl right on Ava's blanket that was on the floor by her carseat.  So maybe she is just confused and doesn't know what to think.  She will just have to get used to her.  Anyways the reason this title is the "friday foto that almost wasn't" is that we ended up with people over last night far too late and I didn't get hardly anything done that I needed and wanted to.  I uploaded photos much later than I should have been up and so only three made it to where I could access them from work.  Oh well.  Ty had a nice bonfire with quite a few friends and I know that they had a good time.  And the fact that you cannot even tell they had one the next morning makes it so that we don't mind at all if he has one every night.  Well maybe not EVERY night but they do a great job cleaning everything up after.  Everyone have a great weekend.  I'm hoping the rain stays away during the day and Bruce gets our houseboat motor back together and running with no problems.  Yep I don't ask for much do I?


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