Happy Monday

Here are a few pictures of the first flowers to pop up in the yard around the house this spring. Crocus and the daffodils ready to bloom. I spent Saturday out in the yard (after cleaning was done inside of course-yep my OCD)raking the whole lawn and burning the sticks and grass. Bruce helped me finish when he got home in the afternoon as I was about "spent". Or just on a mission and determined to get it done! I am glad that I had my gloves on because I'm pretty sure my hands would be covered in blisters if not. But the yard looked great and Bruce woke up this morning and thought our friend had come and thatched it. But nope. It was just that I did that great of a job raking. Yay me! And today I started cleaning out the garage after we got back from shopping and in a couple hours I had Ty and Bruce joining in. It is amazing how much can get done when everyone pitches in. And we all know that when Momma is happy everyone is happier! Thank you to my guys for their help. May everyone have a great week ahead. Still hoping for very little moisture north of here as we continue to watch the river levels for all of our houseboats. And in general we don't want to see anyone deal with flooding so praying for dry weather. Have a good week!

**Once again not sure why the pictures showed up when I did this post last night on the laptop but when I checked it just now from my office computer the picture doesn't show up. Must be a problem with the poor old laptop! I will fix when I get home tonight. The flowers are very pretty I promise!

**Fixed Finally! Sorry it took me so long to sit down and upload again.


Sharon Madsen said…
Pretty! We don't have flowers here - just vines (weeds)

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