Friday Foto

Can you tell I am lacking in the blogworthy photos lately? This is a pretty lame "friday foto" but it is the best that I can come up with for today off of my work computer. Since I am still having the uploading problem with pictures on the laptop, and the fact that my good camera is broken, I just don' have anything fun. Of course if I would go up to the office at home I have plenty of photos that I haven't shared. Just don't like to take the time to do that! So anyway we are heading to Drake Relays this afternoon to watch Tyler run in the 4 x 100 relay. It is quite impressive to even make it to Drake so yes we are driving almost 5 hours round trip to watch a race that takes 40 some seconds. Such is the life of parents! The boys left at 5:15 this morning from the high school. It was kind of funny hearing Ty and Kenny getting ready and showering at 4:30 in the morning. I'm guessing they slept most of the way to Des Moines. Or maybe they were too excited to sleep. Doubtful though since that was way too early of a wake up call for them. Good luck WV boys! Oh and these are the cat treats that are always on hand in my cupboard. Do you think my cats are just a little spoiled? And when Gizmo wants her "treats" each night she comes out to the kitchen and sits on "her rug" as Bruce calls it and looks up at me until I oblige. Yep spoiled cats for sure! Everyone have a great weekend. We have a busy one with Drake tonight, prom tomorrow night, and I have another baby shower for Ashley and baby Ava to go to on Sunday. Really wishing my good camera was fixed just thinking about all of the pictures I will be taking that will come out less than great. Oh well! Enjoy the sunny, warm weather today. Finally spring is showing up!
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