Closet Cleanout

While I was on my cleaning frenzy all weekend long I finally tackled the walk in closet on Sunday. I got rid of clothes that hadn't been worn in forever, moved stuff around to make more room, and re-organized all of the shelves and such. I even put Bruce his own "work clothes" shelf that he can just grab his clothes in the mornings after showering from the closet shelf instead of having to come back into the bedroom and wake me up. So far it is working great. Of course I took Monday off so I don't think anything would have bothered me knowing that I didn't have to get up for anything. And what a great day off I had. I took Bruce lunch, cleaned some upstairs, took recycling to the city shed, and baked monster cookies and banana/blueberry muffins and bread. I'd say my day off was more productive than it should have been, but I had fun. Hope everyone has a great week. I know I am looking forward to work so I don't have to work so hard! Have a great Tuesday!
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