Our "Big Girl" Gizmo

I want to post pictures from my awesome "brothers weekend", but I know that my SIL Sharon is sending me ones that she took so I'm waiting to do a slide show until I have all of them. Here is a picture that I took of Gizmo in one of my flower pots last week. These flowers still bloom very nicely when the sun is out, and she just kind of cleared a spot and flattened it out to lay in and claim as her own. Well in her defense it is right next to the front door, and close to the water bowl that I keep on the deck for her when it is this hot! I am very glad she didn't claim this pot early in the spring when all of my pots were full of blooming flowers. And yes, that was before all of the torrential rain and heat wiped out most of my outside plants and garden! Happy Tuesday!
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