Friday Fotos

Well last weekend Bruce finally laid the tile in front of the shower on the houseboat. It looks phenomenal compared to the stained carpet from before (at one time the drain leaked and stained our carpet). We (Bruce) fixed it. It looks so good I can't wait to take a shower and step on it. Problem being it still needs to be grouted and that has to sit before anyone "steps" on it I'm sure. So Bruce has the grout ready to take up this weekend (hello.....Did I tell you my brothers are coming or what???????) so I'm thinking we will grout it Sunday before we leave to come home and everything will be fine. The shower can still be used by all. However please remember that "river baths" are the cleaning up of choice unless you own the houseboat. Or actually even if you do own the boat! THANK YOU GUESTS IN ADVANCE! Everyone have a great Friday and weekend!
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