Friday Fotos

Here is a couple shots taken at the Mississippi River Museum a couple of weeks ago when we went with Helen & Louie. Aren't these two just a little "freaky" looking? Or maybe it was just me as we stopped at Van's and tasted our share (and then some) of many different wine flavors! Oh, and we saw Elvis at the buffet in the casino. Imagine that! I will put a slide show up sometime (when I find the time in my busy life!) of our once again awesome roadtrip to Dubuque. Of course I won a little bit of money as usual, and I think Bruce made a record for losing money faster than the speed of light. I don't think he should gamble. He maybe should just watch me win! Everyone have a great weekend. I just had a strange thought about these figures-I think they resemble somewhat my Mom & Dad. Spooky. I think I will just forget that thought. Is it time to go home for the weekend yet? I think my mind is totally shot from this week!
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