Friday Fotos

Here are some snapshots from our road trip Thanksgiving weekend. We first stopped at Stark's for some beverages to take home, lunch in Prairie, then Cabela's so Bruce could get some boots for deer hunting, then Lansing to check on the houseboats. All of them looked good except for some water in the back of ours and Louie's, but that is normal and we shop vac'd it out since we were there. Then we went to Waukon and stopped at Quillin's and had a blast with them for a few hours. Louie & Helen got introduced to WII bowling and I'm still suprised they don't have one at home yet! We even got to decorate some Christmas ornaments with the grandkids and got to take them home with us for our trees! Mine were the prettiest of course! We had a great time road tripping as usual. Hope everyone has a great weekend! And of course lets all hope that no more snow falls on us this winter! For sure for this weekend would be nice.
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