Fall River Weekend

We headed to the houseboat last weekend Saturday morning after our get together Friday night.  It was pretty much a rainy, yucky weather weekend.  I snapped a few pictures (much less than I normally do!) of the leaves on the bluff and the rain pouring down out our front houseboat window.  Enjoy the collage.  I took the pictures under our deck roof or right out of our front sliding door.  We are pulling our houseboat Saturday morning for the first time in seven years.  I guess it is time.  And Bruce wants to put a new motor in and do a bunch of stuff before we put it back in come April/May.  It will be nice to check everything out and have a great running houseboat again.  We used to be known for that.  Looking forward to it again.  Hoping for good weather this coming weekend.  Lots to be done over the course of two days.  Have a great rest of the week everyone! 
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