Friday Fotos

 So once again I typed a whole paragraph to go with this collage and the words got lost.  I guess my issue is with Blogger and not the old laptop at home I blame it on every time!  Ava and her parents were over Wednesday night so I of course had to snap some photos of her.  She was trying to put my shoes on her feet and it was too cute.  And the one of her back to me she is walking a few steps.  I couldn't get any good ones of her walking towards me.  We are heading to the houseboat this afternoon and excited to see Barb, Kevin and the triplets tomorrow.  They are taking over our boat for their vacation so they can have their own space.  Hoping that they have good weather and catch lots of fish while they are here.  I'm looking forward to a weekend of relaxing and doing some reading.  This week has exhausted me with so much to do!  Everyone have a great weekend and stay cool!


Ashley O. said…
I can not see a picture! Just wanted to let you know there is a way to recover everything you type on blogger even if you didnt save it, it saves every 5 seconds. I will have to show you so you stop having troubles! :)

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