Our Easter Sunday

We didn't make any plans for Easter really because we had work that needed done around home and such before we start heading to the houseboat every weekend.  But I did make an Easter ham dinner Sunday night and was blessed with the presence of Miss Ava and her parents.  And she didn't get an Easter basket at Grandpa & Grandma's house, she got an Easter sand bucket!  And of course she really can't eat candy yet so it had a book of animals and a very soft turtle with silky feet.  And I can't wait for her to use that bucket on the sandbar this summer at the river.  Hopefully we can teach her really fast not to eat the sand!  In the picture of Ava and I she is doing her excited "oh" and I am also.  That is why my face looks distorted just FYI!  And then she is with Grandpa before she left, and we had to take a picture of her and her Momma on her first Easter.  And the picture in the walker......well, Priceless!  Have a good week! 
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