Friday Foto

Or maybe not. Photo not showing up after I uploaded it. I've really got nothing. Seems every day and week gets busier than the last and still no time to accomplish all that I want to. Made up about 5 nights worth of dinner for Mom & Dad O. for when Joey gets to go home from the hospital. Simple meals that can be frozen and just heated up in the oven. I know they will truly appreciate it and that way Jr. won't feed Joey ice cream sandwiches for dinner! (inside joke-Jr. ate that for supper one night while Joey was in the hospital) Hopefully Joey will be back at home very soon. As always we have three million things to get done and only two days of the weekend to get them done. At least we gain an hour so maybe that will help. Or in my mind it is a really good reason to sleep in and cuddle since we get that extra hour. Never enough time in the day to get my list done. But I always am adding to that list so it is a never ending battle. Yes I have issues! Everyone have a great weekend. Hopefully I can get some photos uploaded and have some interesting posts for next week. If not oh well. Not going to lose sleep over it! I do that over silly stuff most of the time!
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