Happy Happy Halloween

We actually had quite a few trick or treaters this year which is unusual. But I've heard that alot of out of town people came to Readlyn since ours was held tonight instead of on Halloween. Same in Fairbank where I know Taylor's family ran out of candy and not one person had been from Fairbank when that happened. That is a whole lot of trick or treaters! So here are a few shots from around home. The left three pictures are crafts my Momma made that I put out every year just because. And I made cupcakes for my favorite guys at work tomorrow morning so they can have a treat after their flu shots. Yep I don't bring treats for everyone too often but some holidays require cupcakes. Good luck to WV football boys. Play with your hearts like you have been and you will be fine. Looking forward to watching #39 run that ball. Happy Halloween!!!!!
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