Friday Foto

More of this tonight. Everyone have a great weekend. We have our annual houseboat float on Saturday and OMG do we have plenty of food planned! Going to watch WV kick some Clayton Ridge booty for homecoming before heading to the river to get ready and enjoy our awesome food on the float. We had the pep rally and jersey auction tonight and I have to say that I loved that we were in and out in an hour and only had to write a small check compared to some years. And of course I don't get to wear the jersey but that is okay! Someone (hey Autumn) will have fun wearing it at school tomorrow. Hats off to the WV school admin that decided to try the silent auction. I think a lot of people felt good about it! Good luck WV on your homecoming and kick some Eagle (we hope that is right since the cheerleaders called them that) butt! Everyone have a great weekend. I know that we will!
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