Happy Birthday Klay

One of Tyler's best friends passed away 9/16/2003 when they were all pretty little guys (8 years old), and today would have been his 16th birthday.  Bless Klay on this day and he surely is missed by all.  Tyler and some friends met Klay's Mom & Dad at his grave site to honor his birthday.  From what Ty said they were surprised to see them, but I am guessing they weren't really at all. Ty even took some lilacs to place on the grave.  Ty has never forgotten for a minute, and we have Klay's picture on our fridge always remembering him.  I cannot imagine the constant pain they go through and am so glad that the boys got to spend a little time with them at the grave and the special pond behind their house remembering their very special friend who's life ended far too soon.  Happy Birthday Klay and you are loved and missed by all!


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