Friday Foto

Took this picture (and many more) of this eagle when we were on our houseboat ride last Sunday. There were quite a few of them flying around when we went through the "natchway". I took a ton of pictures but the sun, yes I said sun, was blinding me so I just had to snap away and hope I got some good ones. I haven't messed with any other pictures but lets just say I think I have enough eagle pictures to put together a book. Guess I just think they are cool and like to take pictures of them. Could be worse-I could take pictures of people passed out or something when at the river having a good time. Oh wait, I do that too when given the opportunity! Everyone have a great weekend despite the weather forecast around here. Sunny days will come again soon. But not soon enough!
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Sharon Madsen said…
Happy Birthday! I'm obsessed with eagles too.

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