Christmas Break 2009

So I've been taking a lot of time off from the blogging over the holidays to just spend time with family and do things that I want and needed to around the house. Here is the cut back version of Christmas presents this year at our house. And of course Gizmo would have been the BEST present ever to anyone, but unfortunately she escaped before the present unwrapping occurred. We had a great Christmas and New Year's and I hope that all of our family and friends did also. May 2010 be a much better year for everyone! I will try and get back to posting at least a few times a week for those of you that care and check daily (Rick-:-), and we did have quite a lot going on the past few weeks so I will try and catch all of that up on the blog this week. I don't make New Year's resolutions, but I have decided that I am going to try and make 2010 my best year yet so far, and I have set many goals for myself to be a better person for me and my family in many ways. I hope all of you (yep-all 4-5 that follow my blog!) look forward to a new year as much as I do. Bring on the new year!
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