Finally Friday

Lots of pictures to post from this past week but I won't get them uploaded until next week I'm afraid. Will be busy this weekend finishing getting everything ready for Kyle's graduation party next Friday. So something for my blog followers (you know who you are) to look forward to. Garage/shop walls being sheeted (Kyle & Bruce were giving me crap for not taking any pictures"Isn't this blog worthy?"), so I took some pictures of them working and the improved look for the party. Ty had a track meet last night but I think I missed him and got a picture of the track and the sand in the long jump. Oh well. Oh, and last night was Senior Awards Night at Wapsie so have some pictures of Kyle and Taylor to share. Kyle got a couple more scholarships last night and some other awards (Taylor got some too) I'll blog about next week. Good job Taylor and Kyle! Lots of graduation parties for us to hit this weekend even with the not so great forecast. At least not rain the whole weekend. Hope that next Friday is better for ours. Everyone have a great weekend. And summer weather you can hurry up and show up anytime. Seriously!


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