

Sharon let me have this painting to try in my still unfinished master bathroom. It is really pretty and the colors look great. The painting is a little big, and not really "bathroomy", but Bruce even thinks it looks good in there. Here is a picture of it sitting on the floor of the wall it will hang on. The name of the painting is "En El Casino" if anyone knows paintings and wants to tell me it is worth a fortune that would be great! I'll give Sharon her share I promise! So I guess we just need to hang it up and see if we still like it there. Then maybe I will be forced to finish decorating.
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Sharon Madsen said…
Ha! You'll have to give Pam her 5 bucks back too.
I loved the painting too - doesn't really fit my
house. Painters name is Jose Puyet - Paints some
really beautiful work! Check it out online
If it's original is worth from $10.000 to $15.000 l also have the same painting, good luck!
Unknown said…
Hello how can I find out if it's an original? 4012668766 or

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